
WHO IGAP Implementation Toolkit
The World Health Organization (WHO) has released the publication “Intersectoral Global Action Plan on Epilepsy and Other Neurological Disorders 2022-2031: …

Epilepsia Open® special issue
Epilepsia Open® is now accepting submissions for a special issue focused on neurotechnology and artificial intelligence in epilepsy research. Emerging …



April 25-27.2024 (Hotel Novotel Warszawa Center, 94/98 Marszałkowska Street)

XXXII PTE Conference on epilepsy

Invitation / Programme (PL) | Call for abstract submissions (PL)

POLMED certificate | INFARMA certificate

The Polish Society of Epileptology is the continuation of the Polish Branch of the International League Against Epilepsy. PTE is a Branch of the International Anti-Epileptic League, and closely cooperates with the International Bureau for Epilepsy. The goal of PTE is to support any initiative to help patients with epilepsy. The tasks and goals of PTE include:

Promoting knowledge
in the field of epileptology
among doctors and specialists
Deploying members in
scientific work
and social work
Contributes to the editing of
professional publications
in the field of epileptology
Issues opinions on
and organizational
concerning epileptology
Interacts with health care,
general education,
medical academies
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